Headshot of Alejo wearing a yellow beanie over a yellow background with icon drawings.

I wanted to speak all the languages of the world… so I learned to draw.

Today I do Graphic Recording and Visual Summaries to help people and brands share great ideas, inspire audiences, and solve big problems.

What is Graphic Recording?

Imagine this… 💭

You take your seat at a long-awaited conference.

The speaker walks onstage and begins, using a clicker to go from one powerpoint slide to the next. You are interested in the content, but find that your mind is wandering anyway.

But mid-yawn, you notice something… different. Next to the stage there’s a guy that appears to be drawing something. Then you realize what he’s doing.

You gotta be kidding me… is this for real?

He is drawing the ideas that the speaker is sharing, in REAL TIME! 😱

You sit up straight now and lean in. Suddenly, you realize you are actually paying more attention to the speaker because you want to see how their ideas connect to the sketches.

A “distraction” has never made you pay this much attention before!

When it’s all over you get closer, phone in hand. 🤳🏻
“Wait for my colleagues to see this! This is awesome!”

That artist improvising clever sketches, accurately matching the main ideas from the speaker, giving you joy and amazement, is making the experience unforgettable to you.

That’s what graphic recording does.

And this is the experience I’ve provided more than a hundred times since 2019.

In a nutshell: I will attend your event, join your webinar or livestream, and create a fun and compelling graphic that will make you top of mind for your audience.

It’s like magic! 🪄

Interested? Click the button below to schedule a call and let’s get started!

What people say about my work…

Contact me here


I’m available for speaking engagements and workshops on topics like:

  1. Storytelling

  2. The business of creativity

  3. Visual communication for left brainers.

For more information, use the form above to make your enquiry.
In the meantime, listen to some of his podcast interviews below.

Alejo was born and raised in Costa Rica and now resides in Atlanta, Georgia.

His wife, Vivian, is also an artist and together they run their studio, Two Rivers Creative.

Their young son also shows a creative inclination, though he won’t be available for events until he’s at least mastered his crayon technique.

The family cat and beta fish show little interest in the art world, but they’re rather photogenic, at least.