How to get opportunities as an artist

I emailed my portfolio to art directors and hoped for the best.

A month later one responded. She was from a major newspaper!

“Sooooo . . . your timing is as excellent as your work. I have a giant project coming up - the biggest assignment I've made… to be published in mid-August. I'll need at least 8 big illustrations…”

My jaw fell. My timing was excellent? Her biggest assignment?

I was in a pickle.

I had two months to complete this project. And I was about to spend those two months in a summer program in France. 

I had also just gotten engaged and was planning a wedding.

And…this was my first big project for a big client.

Would I be able to make it work? I was about to find out.

One thing was certain: The door of opportunity was wide open in front of me and I would never forget what opened it in the first place.

The Doors of Opportunity

I used to think opportunities were hard to find. The truth was that I wasn't knocking on those doors enough and that's why they weren't opening as much.

You see, the doors of opportunity may seem closed but that doesn’t mean that they are locked.

All I had to do was to knock.

In the same way, there are people out there waiting, praying, hoping to hire somebody like you.

But if you stay quiet and don’t reach out that door will remain closed to you.

So I want to challenge you this week to knock on some doors. Send some emails or message some people on social media and ASK THEM TO WORK TOGETHER.

And that's how you'll get more opportunities.

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