Worry Less

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If you ever get stuck in quicksand, the one thing you need to know is that you need to stop moving. It doesn’t help to panic. It doesn’t help to scream or curse. 

What helps is that you acknowledge where you are, move slowly, focus on solutions before you act.

If panic attacks again because that deadline is too close and you don’t have the project ready, slow down, focus, then act.

If a client sends you a horrible email with feedback about your work, slow down, focus, then act.

If you watched the news and started thinking of all the horrible things that could happen from now on, slow down , focus, then act.

It doesn’t help to worry. When you panic, you actually sink faster!
Things are never as bad as we think, and you can always make them better.

Instead of worrying, slow down and focus on the actions you CAN take.